to νeo, ατμοσφαιρικo
ξενοδοχειακo συμπαν

5-6 Οκτωβριου 2024
Ωδεiο Αθηνων

5-6 Οκτωβριου 2024
Ωδεiο Αθηνων

το συνεδριο

A tourist is a temporarily leisured person who voluntarily visits a place away from home for the purpose of experiencing a change.

Hosts and guests, The anthropology of tourism

Οι ταξιδιώτες αναστέλλουν τα συνήθη πρότυπα της ζωής τους, προς χάριν της πολύτιμης χρήσης του χρόνου. Απρόθυμοι να περιοριστούν από το γούστο τους στο φαγητό, την τέχνη ή την συνήθη ψυχαγωγία δοκιμάζουν. Γιατί όλο νόημα του ταξιδιού είναι η φυγή από τα όρια της καθημερινότητας.


Σε αυτή τη συνθήκη, αυθεντικότητα και κατασκευασμένα περιβάλλοντα, αλληλο διαδέχονται για να στοιχειοθετήσουν την «εμπειρία» και την «ατμόσφαιρα». Οι ταξιδιώτες προσεγγίζουν το διαφορετικό, η επιχειρηματίες αναζητούν τη σωστή ιδέα, η τοπική κοινωνία εμπνέει, οι αρχιτέκτονες σχεδιάζουν. 

Άνθρωποι και

Το 2023 ήταν μια χρονιά που ο αριθμός των επισκεπτών σημείωσε αύξηση 11,5% σε σχέση με το περασμένο έτος. Η άνοδος ώθησε τα έσοδα από τον τουρισμό στα προβλεπόμενα υψηλά όλων των εποχών – περίπου 21 δισεκατομμυρίων ευρώ. Το 2024 οι αφίξεις τουριστών αυξήθηκαν κατά 16% και η αύξηση των εσόδων άγγιξε το 27,1% ( στοιχεία Υπ. Τουρισμού, α’ τρίμηνο)

Ο τουρισμός, μία από τις μεγαλύτερες βιομηχανίες του κόσμου, εκτιμάται για τα οικονομικά του οφέλη. Σε χώρες όπως η Ελλάδα εκ των πραγμάτων μετατρέπεται σε μέσο αμφίδρομης – αν και όχι ισόρροπης – πολιτιστικής ανταλλαγής: οι ταξιδιώτες επιδιώκουν την εμπειρία του διαφορετικού και παράλληλα επιφέρουν βαθιά πολιτιστική αλλαγή στα μέρη που επισκέπτονται.

Άνθρωποι και

Το εφήμερο της παραμονής των ταξιδιωτών, δυσχεραίνει τις συνδέσεις τους με τον τόπο, τους ανθρώπους, τις έννοιες και τις συνήθειες κοινωνίας. Την ίδια στιγμή, ασκούν μεταμορφωτική επιρροή.

Μπορεί η αρχιτεκτονική να επιφέρει την ισορροπία; Η αρχιτεκτονική αντικατοπτρίζει και εμπνέει τις αξίες της οικονομίας αλλά και της κοινωνίας. Η πρόκληση καθαρών, απτών συναισθημάτων  μπορεί να αναδυθεί από την ουσία της αρχιτεκτονικής ομορφιάς, μέσω της προσεκτικής διάταξης των υλικών και της ατμόσφαιρας του ήχου – όπως υποστηρίζει ο Peter Zumthor. Μπορεί η σχεδιαστική προσέγγιση να προωθήσει ουσιαστικές αλληλεπιδράσεις, ενθαρρύνοντας πολυαισθητηριακά αλλά και εγκάρδια συναισθήματα; Μπορεί η αρχιτεκτονική να υποθάλψει τις συνδέσεις όχι μόνο με τον χώρο αλλά και τους ανθρώπους και αν ναι, σε ποιο βάθος και με ποια αποτελέσματα;

Επιχειρηματικότητα και

Με την άνοδο του τουρισμού, τα brands φιλοξενίας συναγωνίζονται για την προτίμηση των ταξιδιωτών και για τις ελκυστικότερες B2B συμφωνίες. Ανταγωνισμός υπάρχει και ανάμεσα στους προορισμούς – από τη λεκάνη της Μεσογείου μέχρι τα τεχνητά σε πραγματική κλίμακα περιβάλλοντα «Σαντορίνης» και «Hallstatt» στην Κίνα. Στην Ελλάδα, η επενδυτική δραστηριότητα είναι πιο έντονη από ποτέ, με τυπολογίες που τείνουν να δημιουργήσουν ένα στυλ και απτικές ποιότητες που σταδιακά αφηγούνται την κοινή τους λογική. Ποιο ρόλο παίζει η αρχιτεκτονική στη διαμόρφωση ενός προϊόντος, ενός brand και ενός αφηγήματος που εκπρόσωπεί συνολικά την αναπτυξιακή φιλοσοφία της χώρας; Μπορεί να συμβάλλει στην εξαγωγιμότητα ισχυρών ντόπιων brands;

Στη σκηνή του
Hotel Experience

Στο πλαίσιο του συνεδρίου Hotel Experience θα συζητηθούν θέματα που άπτονται την αρχιτεκτονικής, της επιχειρηματικότητας και της κοινωνίας. Αρχιτέκτονες, επιχειρηματίες, επενδυτές, κοινωνικοί επιστήμονες και θεσμικοί εκπρόσωποι συμμετέχουν σε one to one συζητήσεις και πάνελς ή παρουσιάζουν διαφωτιστικά keynotes με στόχο την έμπνευση, τη δημιουργία ιδεών, την παρουσίαση καλών πρακτικών και την εξαγωγή συμπερασμάτων.

Day 1: Saturday, 5th of October 2024   11:00 – 11:15  SECTION GREEN.  Keynote & short Q+A_Cradle to Cradle Design Concept #Sustainability #Strategy #Communities #GreenHotels  Duration:15 minutes Exploring the concepts of circular economy in hotel design.    11:15 – 11:35  Experts Panel: Hotel Experience Color Green #Sustainability #Strategy #Communities #GreenHotels Moderator: Elias Messinas, Architect, Creator ECOWEEK Duration: 20 minutes
  • Representative of the European Commission 
Tourism is valued for its economic benefits. This panel discusses how the hospitality industry in Greece can adjust and upgrade its operational model to become more competitive and sustainable, integrating Cradle to Cradle practices.   11:35 – 11:45 Keynote: Leon Avigad, Founder Brown Hotels – “Challenging Adventures_ Creating the Hotel of the Future” #HospitalityExperiences #BestPractices #FutureTrends Duration 10 min Leon Avigad envisions a transformative future for the hotel industry, leveraging his 35 years of experience. He advocates for challenging traditional norms and blending local culture with modern luxury to create unique guest experiences. Highlighting Greece’s rich heritage, he promotes groundbreaking hospitality concepts.   11:45 -12:10 Panel: Shifting Paradigms Towards a New Culture of Hospitality Moderator: Leon Avigad, Founder Brown Hotels #HospitalityExperiences #BestPractices #FutureTrends #Partnerships Duration: 25 minutes A session by global hospitality pioneers explores the future of hospitality, emphasizing revolutionary ideas like community collaboration, brand partnerships, and unconventional resource use. This discussion urges industry leaders to rethink and redesign hotel experiences, challenging conventional boundaries.    12:10 – 12:23 In Conversation: Dolphin Capital_ A review of “One and Only Kea” and a view in the next best opportunities Moderator: George Lampiris Journalist CAPITAL-FORBES #investments #RealEstate #HotelDevelopment Duration: 13 minutes   12:23 – 12:30 SECTION: The Intangible Cultural Heritage #Culture #Communities #BestPractices #FutureTrends Moderator: Danai Makri   Film| Best Case from Spain, via MedINA Duration 7 minutes The example of Menorca in the Balearics is a model in practice. Through the Medina network, we follow a course of preserving the rural economy, identity, and landscape as part of a dynamic development model. The social actors, legal framework, and civil society organization’s efforts have implemented a social economy model. 12:30 – 12:51 Intro Keynotes Duration 21 minutes   
  • Villy Fotopoulou, Ministry of Culture, Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Ivi Nanopoulou, Director, TPA Architects, founding member, and president of MedINA
  • Sustainable Cyclades Representative
  Exploring practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, and skills that communities recognize as part of their cultural heritage and are transmitted from generation to generation.   12:51 – 13:21 Experts Discussion Panel  Moderator: Danai Makri   Duration 30 minutes  
  • Villy Fotopoulou, Ministry of Culture, Department of Intangible Cultural Heritage
  • Ivi Nanopoulou, Director, TPA Architects, founding member, and president of MedINA
  • Sustainable Cyclades Representative
  • Kostas Paschalidis, CEO, Hotel Brain
  • Rigas Zafeiriou, MedINA
The panel examines intangible cultural heritage, from scientific methodologies for recording elements of place identity to its exemplary function in an existing dynamic development, enjoyed by locals, businesses, and visitors. 13:21 – 13:36 Keynote_ “Rouga Vamvakous”, A Case Study worth of attention by Eleni Tsigarida, Founder Etsi Architects #Architecture #Sustainability #Strategy #Communities  Duration:15 minutes 13:36 – 13:46   Keynote: Interpreting a Brand’s Ethos from a Visual Arts Point of View – How to Curate Art Collections #StoryTelling #ArtCuration #HospitalityExperiences Duration: 10 minutes  
  •     Melita Skamnaki, Co Founder Double Decker 
  •     Wilhelm Finger, Co Founder Double Decker
In today’s landscape of elevated guest expectations, visual art collections have emerged as the new frontier for high-end hospitality brands. This panel discusses the importance of curating art collections that do not merely follow transient trends but stand as legacy assets. 13:46 – 14:26  Panel: 25 Hours Hotel – A Pioneering Case Study for Hotels with Individuality Moderator: Harry McKinley, Editor, Mix Interior #StoryTelling #CaseStudy #HospitalityExperiences Duration: 40 minutes   Paola Navone, Designer Werner Aislinger, Studio Aislinger As one of the pioneering models of hotels with individuality, 25Hours Hotel continues to shape a unique hotel identity for each of the brand’s owned venues, nurturing a sense of connection with their neighborhood and guests. How does it maintain a visual coherence across locations.   14:26 – 14:46 Keynote: The Case of “Ergon” brand, by Thomas Douzis, Founder & CEO @ ERGON Foods The brand “Ergon” creates interesting gastronomic projects around which the hotel experience evolves. This unique approach has established a Greek brand that transcends the boundaries of Greece and is extending its reach to foreign markets. #Transformation #Strategy #HospitalityExperiences Duration: 20’ 14:46 – 15:01 Keynote: Tasos Georgatzis, Founder & Managing Director Urban Soul Project – “Designing for International vs  Independent Concept Brands” #Architecture #HospitalityExperiences  Duration: 15’ Insights on designing for both big and concept brands, exploring the distinct challenges and approaches required. 15:01 – 15:16 Talk: The Creation of an Instagramable Gen Z Hotel Moderator: Harris Digrindakis Journalist-Editor #StoryTelling #FutureTrends #HospitalityExperiences #GenZ  Duration: 15 minutes   Gen Z travelers see and record everything on their phones. “Onoma Hotel” connects space with technology, creating experiences worth recording. How do you create a space that, before the design, precedes the concept for the stories of the new generation?   15:16 – 15:46 Panel: Strategic Spatial Planning for Sustainable Tourism – Balancing Development and Design Moderator: Konstantinos Deriziotis. Board Member Athens Chamber of Commerce & CEO KSD/Money Tourism Magazine. #Transformation #SpatialPlanning #Strategy #Tourism  Duration: 30’
  • Anestis Gourgiotis, Associate Professor, Spatial Planning
A discussion about the “Special Spatial Plan for Tourism,” covering critical issues from defining experiences to zoning criteria and allocating areas for development. This panel emphasizes the importance of design for architects and engineers who shape the infrastructure and aesthetics of tourist destinations. 15:46 – 16:16 Panel: Forward thinkers share the recipe of shaping memorable stays Moderator: Kostas Panagakis TravelWorks PR #Strategy #BestPractices #HospitalityExperiences Duration 30 minutes Themes such as creating authentic and memorable experiences for travelers, the significance of simplicity, elegance, and timelessness in hospitality, and the adaptation and innovation of international and local brands within the Greek market will be covered in this experts panel. How does the Asian heritage blend with Greek tradition? How do we reinvent high-volume destinations like Santorini and Mykonos, transforming occupancy rates during peak times and throughout the summer months? How do 110 years of authentic Greek hospitality get embodied in a landmark hotel on Spetses? 16:16- 16:31 Keynote: Your Hotel Experience through the Eyes of AI by Stefanos Karagos, Founder XPLAIN AI Solutions Global Agency #AΙ #HospitalityTechnologies #Strategy  Duration: 15’ How does AI transform the hotel experience, from pre-arrival personalization to post-stay analysis?  Lets follow AI’s unique ability to analyze vast amounts of guest data, revealing hidden patterns and preferences and learn how this insight translates into actionable strategies for optimizing every touchpoint of the guest journey, boosting satisfaction, and driving revenue.  16:31 – 16:46 Keynote: Aristides DallasAristides Dallas Architects – “Emersive or Immersive” #Architecture #HospitalityExperiences  Duration: 15’ Exploring the difference between immersive and emersive experiences in architecture and what lessons can be brought back from traditional practices.   16:46 – 17:11 Panel: Scenarios of Ecology and Art Curation: 25 minutes #StoryTelling #CaseStudy #HospitalityExperiences Moderator: Thanos Zakopoulos, CTRLZAK Studio
  • Barbara Avdis, Founder and Managing Director of Yades Greek Historic Hotels, Vice Chairman of the Historic Hotels of Europe.
  • Niki Andreadi, NIMAND Architects
How can built spaces coexist symbiotically with the natural environment? How does art emphasize this synergy, and how can artworks create a new level of experience within these spaces? Why is it important today to create works that go beyond mere aesthetics and generate value on different levels? 17:11 – 17:26 One to One Talk:Margarita Boulaki, Manager, Architecture Design Services Europe, Four Seasons Duration: 15 minutes Which are the criteria of Four Seasons when selecting architects for luxury hotels? Collaboration, continuous dialogue, creativity and coordination, ensure that the vision and values of an iconic brand are accurately reflected in every project, creating unique hospitality experiences. 17:26 – 17:33 SECTION_ GLOBAL ARCHITECTS Moderator: Danai Makri Keynote_“Global Meets Local”, by Maria Vafiadis Founder MKV DESIGN  #Strategy #Architecture #Culture #Collaboration   Duration: 7 minutes Exploring how global connectivity influences local hospitality and design practices. Maria Vafiadis discusses how international and local languages in design can coexist, and how relationships are built between entrepreneurs of different backgrounds and cultures.   17:33 – 17:40 Keynote_ “Eudaimonia”  Christos Passas, Director ZAHA HADID ARCHITECTS  #HospitalityExperiences #Architecture #Culture  Duration: 7 minutes Christos Passas explores the elements that shape understanding a destination within the framework of travel as an educational and transformative experience, presenting how international architectural development creates seamless hotel experiences worldwide.   17:40 – 18:05 Experts Panel: The Educational and Transformative Aspect of the Hotel Moderator: Danai Makri #HospitalityExperiences #FutureTrends #Culture #Transformation Duration: 25 minutes
  •     Christos Passas, Director Zaha Hadid Architects
  •     Maria Vafiadis, Founder MKV Design
  •     Aurelie Schwend, Director of Interior Design, Luxury at Marriott International
Hotels can play a transformative educational role, as visitors seek to understand the dynamics of the places they visit. This discussion covers how hotels incorporate practices that showcase the intangible cultural heritage of their region and address the reality of overtourism.   18:05 – 18:35 Panel_A necklace of experiences  Moderator: Matt Turner, Editor in Chief, Sleeper Magazine #DesignHotels #BusinessAndArchitecture #HospitalityExperiences Duration: 30 minutes   In the city, the beach, the rock and the heart of the forest. Through 4 design hotels, signed by the architectural office K Studio, Design Hotels invites travelers to explore different experiences in Greece.  
  • Nikos Karaflos, Hotelier, Owner of Dexamenes 
  • Stratis Batagias, Hotelier, Owner of Manna  
  • Giannis Mpelonias, Hotelier, Owner of Vora 
  • Anastasia Sgoumpopoulou, Owner of Perianth
  18:35 – 18:50 Keynote: «Toso Óso» by Dimitris Karampatakis #Transformation #Culture #Strategy #Sustainability #Communities #Environment  Duration: 15 minutes Reflections on the character of development and architecture focusing on economic, social, and environmental sustainability.   19:15 – 19:30 PENDING: Keynote & video by Georges Batzios Architects_ #Transformation #Architecture #Culture #Communities HospitalityExperiences Duration: 15 minutes   In the ruins of our industrial heritage, at FIX in Thessaloniki, a new place is born, a multi-purpose space, which also includes the hotel. The past, from the glorious days, to the decline and forms of culture around it, to the present is outlined with experiential attitudes, theatrical and musical references.   19:05 – 19:13 Keynote: Myrto Kiourti, Architect presents a Fairytale of Hospitality Duration: 8 minutes #Architecture #Culture #Communities HospitalityExperiences   19:13 – 19:33 Keynote & Video: Experience. Metron Ariston, by Kirios Criton (Ideal Bank of Ideas) #ArtHotels #Retrospective #Culture #HospitalityExperiences Duration: 20’ Kirios Criton moves from the New York of the 80s to the Omonia of today, defining the art hotel through his personal experience of four decades.     Day 2: Sunday, 6th of October 2024   11:00 – 11:35 Panel: Sensory Experiences from the Heart of the City to the CYCLADES Duration: 35 minutes #Architecture #Narratives #Vision #StoryTelling Moderator: Danai Makri
  • Maria Tsaftari, Partner & Design Director Urban Soul Project (The case study of Ergon House & Ergon BakeHouse)
  • Block 722
  • Vangelis Bonios, for Odera, Tinos
  • Irini Giotopoulou, DNE Architects
  • Maria Papafigou, OOAK Architects
The special, sensory experiences offered by some unique accommodations reach and highlight the local culture, from the heart of the city to the islands. Multifunctional environments that adopt sustainable practices and community collaboration, the life inside a bakery, luxury glamping experiences are presented through their architects. The discussion offers valuable insights into how authenticity and innovation can coexist, through the senses and emotions. 11:35 – 11:50 One to One Talk: A Greek Spirit Story Duration: 15 minutes #Architecture #CaseStudy #StoryTelling #Inspiration Moderator: Danai Makri
  • Sotiris Tsergas (Block 722)
  • Anestis Anestis, Owner of Melian Hotel
Discussing the evolution of Melian Hotel in Milos and interpreting the soul of the place through Greek culture. 11:50 – 12:10 Talk with Stathis Kalyvas, Professor of Government at the University of Oxford Duration: 20 minutes Moderator: Danai Makri #StoryTelling 12:10 – 12:25 Keynote: Yiannis Tsakalos – Future Trends and Projections for Global Tourism Duration: 15 minutes #FutureTrends #BestPractices #HospitalityExperiences Yiannis Tsakalos presents the new trends and strategies that will shape the next day in tourism with the aim of understanding the ever-changing landscape of travel. 12:25 – 12:55 Panel: Case Studies of Experience Release the Imagination for a Personal Storytelling Duration: 30 minutes Moderator: Yiannis Tsakalos #StoryTelling #BestPractices #HospitalityExperiences
  • Maria Chloe Laskaridis, Chairperson, Lampsa Hellenic Hotels
  • Elsa Exarhou, 1700 Mikro Papiggo
Discussing four unique hospitality experiences: Athens, the mountain, the luxury resort, and the unique concept hotel. From the perception of hospitality for the customer, to the design and the next day, these varied examples highlight how diverse settings and contexts shape the hospitality experience, calling for attendees to endlessly imagine their own narratives. 12:55 – 13:10 Talk with Nikos Hadjos_Marriot’s Brand Approach for Specialized Experiences Duration: 15 minutes #Strategy Moderator:  13:10 – 13:50 Panel: Seabourn Pursuit – Designing for Extreme Adventures & Ultra Travelers Experience Duration: 40 minutes #StoryTelling #CaseStudy #HospitalityExperiences Moderator: Harry McKinley, Editor, Mix Interior
  • Adam Tihany, Hospitality Designer (NYC)
  • Melita Skamnaki, Co-founder Double Decker
  • Wilhelm Finger, Co-founder Double Decker
An icebreaker liner transporting guests to the most remote corners of the globe, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, and the Amazons. Seabourn Pursuit promises the adventure of a lifetime with elevated interiors by legendary designer Adam Tihany, featuring a bespoke art collection curated by Double Decker. This panel explores how interiors, design, and visual art come together to create the perfect blend for guests who have it all. 13:50 – 14:00 SECTION WELLNESS Keynote: The Definition of Wellness Tourism Speaker: Nikos Kouremenos Duration: 10 minutes #FutureTrends #Wellness #Strategy Exploring the dynamics and strategic development of wellness tourism, presenting trends, and introducing high-value wellness projects. 14:00 – 14:30 Experts Panel: Wellness is All Around Duration: 30 minutes #FutureTrends #CaseStudy #Wellness #Strategy Moderator: Nikos Kouremenos
    •  Kent Richards, Corporate Director of Operations, Six Senses Spas 
  • Andrew Gibson, Global consultant ex Fairmont, ACCOR, Mandarin
  • Alexandros Angelopoulos, CEO Aldemar Hotels
Discussing the extended influence of wellness beyond the spa, touching every part of the hotel experience. 14:30 – 14:37 Intro Keynote: Ria Vogiatzi ELASTIC ARCHITECTS – Wellness Redefined Duration: 7 minutes #FutureTrends #CaseStudy #Wellness #Strategy   14:37 – 15:07 Experts Panel: Feeding the Soul + the Wellness Topic – A Conversation about F&B and Spa Excellence Duration: 30 minutes #FutureTrends #CaseStudy #Wellness #Strategy Moderator: Maria Theofanopoulou
  •     Ria Vogiatzi, Founder Elastic Architects
  •     Giannis Markogiannis, Attorney at Law – Investor
  •     Dimitris Daios, Member of the Board Daios S.A.
This panel explores how luxury and wellness intersect to create extraordinary experiences that nourish the soul through indulgence. The discussion includes the importance of F&B and restaurant concepts in enhancing luxury experiences, with insights from Aman Venice and Mystique Rock Mykonos. The development of spa and gym facilities, the rise of medical spas like Ananda in Saudi Arabia, and the transformation of Delano Miami with wellness offerings like crystal therapy are examined.  15:07 – 15:37 Panel: The Future of the Athenian Sea Front Duration: 30 minutes Moderator: George Lambiris #Transformation #RealEstate #AthensSeaFront #Strategy  
  • ·      Grivalia Natalia Strafti, Deputy CEO Grivallia
  •     Konstantinos Chadios, Chadios Architects
Lamda Development Representative
  •     George Spanos, Domes Resort
  •   Stathis Tryfonopoulos, Diarchon
  •     George Tsolakis, Tsolakis Architects
Discussing how the Athenian Riviera is evolving and its significance for luxury tourism, exploring investment opportunities and future plans for the area’s development, offering a new image of luxury and high quality of life. From the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center to the development of Elliniko and the luxury resort One&Only Aesthesis, the Athenian Riviera or the Athens Beach Front is transforming.  15:37 – 15:52 Keynote: Konstantinos Kosmas, Potiropoulos+Partners – A Hotel for Athens Duration: 15 minutes #Architecture #Transformation #Athens   Dimitris Potiropoulos discusses the contrasting design approach of hotels in different environments, focusing on the nature and urban landscape of Athens. 15:52 – 16:22 Panel: Design Savvy Hoteliers & Architects – Directing the Tourism Experience Duration: 30 minutes Moderator: Danai Makri #StoryTelling #Collaboration #HospitalityExperiences #Architecture
  • Agapi Sbokou, Blue Palace & Rosewood & Vana Pernari
  • Kalia Konstantinidou, Empiria Group & Mara Papavasileiou Micromega
  • TBA Afroditi Bonatsou, Founder Stones and Walls
Distinguished women entrepreneurs from the field of tourism, with a special love for design, talk with their architects and share their personal experiences. They highlight how architecture helps to direct the experience, responding to the emotional and aesthetic needs of travelers.    16:22- 16:42 One to One Talk: George Tsolakis, Founder & Managing Director Tsolakis Architects and Alex Pipilis, Hotel Program Manager of Prodea Moderator: George Lampiris Duration: 20 minutes #FutureTrends #CaseStudy #Wellness #Strategy Authenticity, sense of place, the luxurious and the inclusive holiday experience: Panelists will discuss key topics related to the definition of a sustainable hotel program, shaping the future of hospitality in accordance to Greece’s strategic views on the development of tourism.  16:42 – 16:57 In conversation: Vangelis Stylianidis,Stylianidis Architects, “Overtourism and the Residential Environment” #Sustainability #Communities #HospitalityExperiences Duration: 15’ 16:57 – 17:22 In conversation: Dimitris Vasilakis, jazz saxophonist, composer, and educator, Founder of the “Jazz Democracy” project #HotelEcosystems #HospitalityExperiences #PlaceBranding #Communities Duration: 15’ 17:22 – 17:52 Panel: Disconnect to Connect: A passion for the great Outdoors   Duration: 30 minutes Moderator: Maria Gatsou, General Manager SETE #HotelEcosystems #OutdoorExperiences #HotelExperiences #DiscoverGreece #PlaceBranding #Communities Natural settings, outdoor recreation and hospitality are widely recognized as important for enhancing social connections, fostering local or indigenous identity, developing a conservation consciousness, and engaging the local communities for growth. Passionate experts share tales of thrilling outdoor escapades and unveil hidden gems that create the unique sense of a place. 
  • John Chouliaras, Orias Guesthouse and Farm & Trekking Hellas Achaea 
  • George Nanos, Outline Adventures 
  • To be announced
17:52 – 18:07 Talk: From Photography to Creative Direction and the Substance of “Vision”, with Yiorgos Kordakis Duration: 15 minutes #Photography #Narratives #Vision Moderator: Danai Makri Speaker:Yiorgos Kordakis.Photographer 18:07 – 18:37 Panel curated by LIFO: Creating Authentic Greek Culinary Experiences Duration: 30 minutes Moderator: Michael Michail COO LIFO
  • Manolis Papoutsakis, Chef 
    • Lefteris Lazarou, Chef
    • Περικλής Κοσκινάς, Chef, Restaurater
  • Aris Vezenes, Chef
    • Apostolos Trastelis, Restaurateur
  • Nikos Daditsios, Director Panas Group
Exploring the evolution of Greek gastronomy redefining what is Greek and Authentic. What do the people visiting Greece expect from their culinary experiences? #HotelEcosystems #HospitalityExperiences #PlaceBranding #Communities 18:37 – 19:07 Panel: The Scale of Pleasure Moderator: Danai Makri Duration: 30 minutes #Architecture #Sustainability #Communities #BestPractices
  • Ourania Pikramenou, Deplot Architects
  • Sotiris Anifantis, A2 Architects
  •  Aude Mazelin, Mykonos Architects
  • Katerina Karagianni, KKMK Architects
  • Alexandra Daliani, Creative Architects
Discussing how Greece’s atmosphere translates into vacation homes and tourism products, exploring the balance between small and large-scale developments.  


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